Antioxidants are free radical scavengers that serve to terminate free radical chain reactions. In short, antioxidants clean up or neutralize free radicals within our bodies. Consequently, the oxygen free radicals become short lived and their numerous pathways of damaging the body can be minimized.

Generally, direct antioxidants, in acting as terminators to damaging free radicals, are chemically transformed after they perform their tasks as free radical scavengers. They basically lose their potency in giving their lives to protect us. Most antioxidant molecules (like Vitamin E or Vitamin C, for instance) can neutralize just one or a few free radicals. A rare few antioxidants such as OPCs can neutralize over a hundred free radicals per OPC molecule and even recharge other antioxidants (like Vitamin C and Vitamin E) in the body to go back in and fight again. The negative effects of an excess of free radicals impacts everyone. We all need this antioxidant protection. But research shows there is more to what the OPCs in OProCyn can do for you…

…Because OPC can behave as a direct antioxidant and an indirect antioxidant. The major beneficial effect of OPCs is the indirect antioxidant action which works through stimulation of the 250 or more genes involved in the production of an army of antioxidant enzymes which are capable of greater, longer term protection against environmental, viral and other toxic insults to the body. This is a big deal when it comes to anti-aging and your health. And along with certain lifestyle changes, OProCyn™ gives our bodies the ability to fight back.